The Start of Something New
If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I like to try new things. Well, I’ve tried so many things and have been all over the place in the last five years. As I tried to force myself to do things that I truly did not have a passion for, one thing was always constant. Music.
1. Music Tastes Don’t Change (for the most part)
Generally speaking, I still listen to the same music that I did the I was a teenager. Sure, I’ve added some new bands to my playlist but for the most part, they’re all in the same genre.
2. Pop Punk is Here To Stay
If you thought pop punk was dead in 2010, you were wrong! Just when we thought it went away, it’s back and better than ever.
While the genre has undergone some changes in the last 25 years, it’s not going anywhere and we can expect power chords and angst to be included on your favorite playlists.
3. Finding New Meaning
While I listen to many of the same songs that were on my iPod in my youth, I’ve begun to find new meaning in them. It crazy that 20 years later and as an adult the same music and lyrics that helped me deal with the pain of adolescence relate to other things in life.
4. Angst is Timeless
No matter the age, music is one of the best therapies in dealing with emotions. Whether you’re happy or sad, there’s a pop punk song that relates to your emotions.
At 35 years old, I still have plenty of pent up emotion that music helps me deal with!
5. So What Are You Doing?
The Audio Angst newsletter is going to take you back in time and remind you of some of those songs that got you through tough times. Additionally, we’ll be taking a look at some new pop punk music that I know you’ll like.
There will be band interviews, upcoming releases, top five lists and other articles about pop punk in general.
I know you’re busy, so this newsletter is only going to take you about five minutes to read. Five minutes, once (or twice) per week to momentarily escape your adult reality and just feel good.
Can you do that?
6. What I Need From You
If you like pop punk music and are on board, I’d be grateful if you could subscribe (buttons in this email).
If you are REALLY excited for this, I’d be even more grateful if you shared this with a friend who you believe will enjoy it.
That’s it, no sales pitch no “please buy my crap,” just subscribe and share.
Thank you for reading Audio Angst. If you’re feeling your inner angst, please share with a friend!
Upcoming Pop Punk Releases
1/11/2023- Overheated by Tyler Norm (Boston, MA)
1/14/2023- Boy With The Golden Pony (album) by Candor (Ann Arbor, MI)
2/17/2023- Winter Hill by Stay Safe (Manchester, England)
Want to be In The Newsletter?
Head HERE if you want a release listed or want to be featured in an article.